Monday, January 18, 2010

Sentosa beach picnic

Wow today was just awesome. Me and my ite friends going for a picnic at sentosa. My friends that are going is Khalia, Shaadah, Sufyan, Atikah and Saidah except for Farah because of some personal problem. They are all classmates from multimedia course. I'm just some 'extra' person in the group hahaha just kidding. Know them since feb 2008, met them from participating in motivator for NDP. I'm really glad to god that I met them. They are really a good friends to be with and always kecoh.

Anyway have to meet them about 10am at Harbour Front. Shaadah want to met me and Khalia at woodlands but she said she want to go out home at 10am. Sufyan also coming to woodlands so I just ask them to go first and I go pickup Shaadah. She asked me to meet at Payar Lebar cause she and her sister going there to eat. But I didnt know where the Restaurant so her sister help me pick me up. After reaching there we chit chat abit. We didn't eat anything but drink some water because we're going to eat later anyway. I asked her why go out so late? She said that she thought they'll be coming late. But actually they reach there for quite a while already. We meet them at Coffee Bean at Vivo and apologize them since we are so late. Then start all the kecoh like they always been hahaha. They can't decide which transport to take either bus or monorail. End up taking bus. After reaching to sentosa, we took a walk to siloso beach at SKYRIDE & LUGE. Khalia, Atikah and Saidah want to ride those luge thing that look like go kart with no gas and accelerate through slope. Look pretty boring, rather go for go kart, way better and cheaper. while they were out there we three play number and taiti card since there's nothing to do. After they finish me and Sufyan go to look for a shop to pump his ball so we could play some games while they go set up the picnic place. We started playing after eating. Gosh we played alot of games. Captain ball, poison ball, monkey ball. And we played this child game that 2 team, a leader become a chicken to protect the chick from behind and the chick have to hold each other really tight because if you let it go you lost. And the chicken have to seperate the chick from the chicken to win. We played it reaaaly rough like it's not even a child game anymore, more like wrestling haha. We got a lot of minor injurys, especially Shaadah. She fell like 6 or 7 times and injured her leg but she is still okay.

We took a break after playing captain ball again. I was playing with the sand and have a thought of having a sand bath. So I asked Shaadah and Khalia to sand bath me. Damn so many sand in my mouth and some hit my eye's causes by the wind and the way they covering me up. Haha but it's really fun when you sand bath, makes you relax, look at the cloud and ease your mind.

Here,s the pics of my sand bath

Bola tak perlu seh! haha

Anyway, me and Sufyan go take a bath since sands are all over us. I should have bring my Shampoo, it's seriously hard to shower with all the sand stuck on our hair argh! At least there's a toilet hand soap lol. After that we took back bus to Harbour Front and they wanna eat Banquet. Shaadah wasn't feeling well so I took her back to Kallang and her sister waiting at MRT station to pick her up. And then I just took 961 from kallang back to woodlands. Freakin Looooong Trip and the bus aircon is like 15ÂșC! Tiring day but we have fun. =]