Friday, January 22, 2010


Yep, today is my 19th birthday. Nothing to say much about my birthday, except that I'm getting older haha. Few of my friend wish me happy birthday, I thank you :) Some don't but it is okay, it's normal that people forgot and I don't really mind about the birthday wish thing and even I forgot other people birthday. This morning my mum ask me what present she want to buy for me. I said drum cymbal, she's like "whaaaat...? banyak cantik muke kau?" Haha I wasn't really seriously actually, just kidding her. Hmm..go friday prayer as per normal. Gosh nothing much to do today. Usually on my birthday I either go out with family or with friends but today just..nothing? First time in my life haha. Everyone is busy I guess maybe I just have to wait then..