Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nasty dust

Haven't been update for a while. Was trying to type my post yesterday but somehow the blog server seems to be loading very slow. I got tired and just wait for today. Well I was trying to clean up my room this evening. I got sick of using broom so I just take out my vacuum. When I use the vacuum, it's seem to be pretty weak and I thought the bag is already full of rubbish. So I open up the vacuum head to clean up my vacuum bag. The bag is really disgusting, full of big fat blob of dust and rubbish inside. There was a few thorn but the bag is still in good condition. I took it to the kitchen since I dunno where else to throw? The bag have a small hole for the vacuum to suck it in and that's the only way to throw the dust out! Can't they design the bag for us to throw the rubbish out easier?? I had to use my own hand and dig it inside the bag to take out the trash. Yea it's a really nasty job but I have no choice. Dust is everywhere in my whole kitchen room. And I breathe in too much dust urgh. I keep on sneezing eventually. Unfortunatly, I made a big big mess in my kitchen. I didn't throw in the plastic bag carefully and some of the dust get caught off outside the plastic bag. I hope my mum doesn't kill me. Cause I didn't really clean up properly.

(This is before I clean up)

Well after that my vacuum have become a beast! She have super sucking power hehe. Well, that's what she said. =P

I don't feel good. I think I breathe in too much dust. =(

Friday, January 22, 2010


Yep, today is my 19th birthday. Nothing to say much about my birthday, except that I'm getting older haha. Few of my friend wish me happy birthday, I thank you :) Some don't but it is okay, it's normal that people forgot and I don't really mind about the birthday wish thing and even I forgot other people birthday. This morning my mum ask me what present she want to buy for me. I said drum cymbal, she's like "whaaaat...? banyak cantik muke kau?" Haha I wasn't really seriously actually, just kidding her. Hmm..go friday prayer as per normal. Gosh nothing much to do today. Usually on my birthday I either go out with family or with friends but today just..nothing? First time in my life haha. Everyone is busy I guess maybe I just have to wait then..

Monday, January 18, 2010


Argh my whole body is aching like hell because of yesterday sentosa outing. I can't even walk properly because my right waist have a really sharp pain when I walk. Maybe due to falling down alot of time? Fortunately, I could still play drum, only some minor blister on my hand. I hope I'll be okay.

Sentosa beach picnic

Wow today was just awesome. Me and my ite friends going for a picnic at sentosa. My friends that are going is Khalia, Shaadah, Sufyan, Atikah and Saidah except for Farah because of some personal problem. They are all classmates from multimedia course. I'm just some 'extra' person in the group hahaha just kidding. Know them since feb 2008, met them from participating in motivator for NDP. I'm really glad to god that I met them. They are really a good friends to be with and always kecoh.

Anyway have to meet them about 10am at Harbour Front. Shaadah want to met me and Khalia at woodlands but she said she want to go out home at 10am. Sufyan also coming to woodlands so I just ask them to go first and I go pickup Shaadah. She asked me to meet at Payar Lebar cause she and her sister going there to eat. But I didnt know where the Restaurant so her sister help me pick me up. After reaching there we chit chat abit. We didn't eat anything but drink some water because we're going to eat later anyway. I asked her why go out so late? She said that she thought they'll be coming late. But actually they reach there for quite a while already. We meet them at Coffee Bean at Vivo and apologize them since we are so late. Then start all the kecoh like they always been hahaha. They can't decide which transport to take either bus or monorail. End up taking bus. After reaching to sentosa, we took a walk to siloso beach at SKYRIDE & LUGE. Khalia, Atikah and Saidah want to ride those luge thing that look like go kart with no gas and accelerate through slope. Look pretty boring, rather go for go kart, way better and cheaper. while they were out there we three play number and taiti card since there's nothing to do. After they finish me and Sufyan go to look for a shop to pump his ball so we could play some games while they go set up the picnic place. We started playing after eating. Gosh we played alot of games. Captain ball, poison ball, monkey ball. And we played this child game that 2 team, a leader become a chicken to protect the chick from behind and the chick have to hold each other really tight because if you let it go you lost. And the chicken have to seperate the chick from the chicken to win. We played it reaaaly rough like it's not even a child game anymore, more like wrestling haha. We got a lot of minor injurys, especially Shaadah. She fell like 6 or 7 times and injured her leg but she is still okay.

We took a break after playing captain ball again. I was playing with the sand and have a thought of having a sand bath. So I asked Shaadah and Khalia to sand bath me. Damn so many sand in my mouth and some hit my eye's causes by the wind and the way they covering me up. Haha but it's really fun when you sand bath, makes you relax, look at the cloud and ease your mind.

Here,s the pics of my sand bath

Bola tak perlu seh! haha

Anyway, me and Sufyan go take a bath since sands are all over us. I should have bring my Shampoo, it's seriously hard to shower with all the sand stuck on our hair argh! At least there's a toilet hand soap lol. After that we took back bus to Harbour Front and they wanna eat Banquet. Shaadah wasn't feeling well so I took her back to Kallang and her sister waiting at MRT station to pick her up. And then I just took 961 from kallang back to woodlands. Freakin Looooong Trip and the bus aircon is like 15ÂșC! Tiring day but we have fun. =]

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ugly sunday for me :(

Hahaha today is soo messed up. I mean I'm a foool hahaha. Okok I'll tell you what happen to me because of my silliness. Today going to madrasah(religion class) as per normal. Keep in mind that I didn't bring my wallet. Anyway the school is near the Sembawang Point. Well after school finish I ask my friend whether he's taking bus. He said his parent is taking him home by car and asked me and my another friend to ride his parent car to send us back home. Well my other friend agreed but I didn't. My friend that want to give me a ride said, "Mubarak you stupid !@#%$@ just come with us la, your ITE ezlink concenssion is already adult fair so expensive, got free ride still some more want to take bus". I was like whatever and salam them and walk away and they just look at me like 'what the hell'? I don't want his parent to send me home because they already send me alot of time and I don't want to give them trouble to send me home. Well then I waited for the bus 856. After the bus came and this is what happen; I tapped and it gave me an error "PAY CASH". I was like ooooh fuck shit. The indian driver was like "uuuuuuh pay money.." and I was like "uuuuuh nevermind.." and he was like "uuuuuuh ok..?" and I just walk off the bus like a stupid fool. Oh God that was really embarrasing. And you know what? I have to walk all the way back from Sembawang Point which is 400m away from Sembawang MRT to Woodlands MRT which is awfully far to walk and I reach there about an hour. Sweating and hungry to feeling giddy and dehydrating since it's really really hot weather. I have the thought to go to ahmad house so he could give me some water and some shilings to take bus home but on 2nd thought I don't care, I just feel like walking all the way back home. And FINALLY, reached home safely. First thing that I do at my house I didn't drink water cause can't help but to dig my nose first lol. It's annoying with the dust inside!


Yesterday me and Amirul went to his elder sister chalet. But first I have to send some clothes to my auntie and my grandma cousin house. My mum doesn't have my auntie contact number, she lost it so we go there just hoping they are at home. End up they not at home haha. So I just waited there thinking what to do with the clothes or whether I should go back and put the clothes at home. Fortunately they came back home when we were about to leave, thank god. They come back from shopping. My auntie didn't get through my mums phone number that's why she didnt contact my mum. Sad thing is my grandma cousin doesn't recognize me because she is really becoming sick and weak. She also have a difficulty of hearing. My mum asked me to give $50 to her. She feeling sorry and cried to me because she couldn't recognize me anymore. After talking to my auntie we set off taking taxi to my friend sister chalet.

Amirul thought the chalet is at East Coast Park but when he called his sister, it's actually at Downtown East hahaha good job Amirul. The taxi driver took a lucky good turn to SLE highway. We could have paid extra if he didn't call his sister. We paid about $24+ to reach there, extra charge is quite high about $6. Downtown East is so pack could be due to holiday and alot of people going chalet. After we reached there, what do we do? We eat of course! Except that I didnt really eat much because we going to swimming pool after eating. I just ate a few. Then we changed to our swimming short and Amirul little borther join in too. Gosh I seriously suck at swimming, I mean I really don't know how to swim at all, only a little bit. Yea they call me noob haha and I swim really funny. I guess I just need alot of practice. I never swim at night before, it's really cold. Me and his brother started to shiver. Amirul can keep his cool with his thick fatty skin that can keep him warm lol. We chit chat abit till about 9.30pm and we go back to the chalet. We continue to eat abit and off back home. But on 2nd thought we decide to slack at Ahmad house even though its late and we reach at ahmad house at 12am+. It wasn't worth wasting time there since we only stay there about half an hour. Amirul wasn't able to go home because there were'nt no bus anymore so I ask him to overnight at my house since my house is near the interchange. Freakin' tirrrrringg daaaaaay.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Faux hawk

This is the true faux hawk style that I want haha
Tengah boggel bile ambek gambar HAHAHAHA JK
ahmad kau show off rambot kau aku pon show off rambot aku ah! hahaha

new haircut!

Today I went to tampines to get a haircut. Haha my mum think I'm crazy going there just to get a haircut since I'm living in woodlands. Because the price is really cheap.
$3.80 for normal haircut + $4 for washing.
But I went to kallang first to meet my friend and accompany me to salon since I haven't saw her for a long time. When we reach there we have to wait for quite a while about an hour plus. That's nothing compare to last time I went, I waited about almost 3 hour. What can I say, the price is cheap and there's nothing for me to compain about. And we just keep talking till it's my turn. I asked for a thin layered cut. Well, it did what I want it to be but there are some part didn't cut well and I have to cut it myself at home because he cut the hairstyle that I don't really like especially the way he do the waxing. After cuting my hair we went to mcdonald. I asked for McSpicy meal, Mcnugget and green tea. The cashier guy didn't give me the coke because he thought I want it to replace as green tea but I didn't even say that lol. But I don't mind since he's new. My friend ate Mcspicy and I just eat mcnugget because I really didn't have the appetite to eat. She force me to eat but I can't, I'm gonna puke hahaha. Then we went to FairPrice to buy my cat food, facial wash soap and softener. We saw this new slimming product where you just paste it on your fat surface with a big plaster thingy I dunno what it called. I kinda doubt it will work. After that I send her back home and my sister asked me to buy kfc. Suddenly I have the urge to eat kfc so ironically I bought one myself. And wow, my whole $50 gone. Yay byebye money. By the way Sha thanks for teman me :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

Polytechnic open house

Last friday i went to Polytechnic open house with my friend. Luckily he brought his car, if not we have to take bus haha. We went 3 school, first Nanyang, Temasek and then Republic. i like nanyang, they give a lot of goodie bags. Republic have cooler environment and everything looks new. But Temasek is still my choice since it's an IT school and I'm going to the Computer Engeneering course.

Friday, January 08, 2010

graduating soon =]

I got a graduation letter from ITE. Well almost everyone is talking about it. Well since it will be the last day to see my school, friends and my awesome teachers. Gonna miss all the fun we had. But I'm sure we can still contact each other after graduate. I hope I can make another good memories in Polytechnic soon.
Hmmm...we gotta wear strictly formal shirt and trousers and even full dark coloured shoes wow. I was hoping there's a rentel formal shirt. Shit I can't wear my sneakers, luckily I have a full black cover shoes but it's tight but I don't really mind anyway. Maybe I will buy a tie soon but I don't even know how to wear a tie. I guess I will watch some tutorial video. Will be graduating on 3rd February for EIT Department. That's cool, most of my friend will be there =D
I'm kinda nervous but still, I can't wait for graduation. Well my mind is blank now so I be posting more soon. See ya

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Well this morning, my mum still pestering me to apply job at the website so I go in there. Hmm.. well there are many kind of job to choose but wow all need at least to be able to work for 6 month? Then what about my poly? Well, I go for apply it ask me for sentosa account so I create one. Wow the form is reallly long and struggle some question but I manage to pull it off. But then I was talking to my friend in msn talk about the sentosa. She asked me whether if I want to work starbuck with her. Well I guess I chance my mind about sentosa and give it a try on starbuck anyway =]

Hmmm...nothing much to do today, just chatting with my friend, annoy neighbour with my usual drum and doing the blog frame. Well ciaoussss~

I wonder which ball he's catching.

New frame =]

Update blog:''Frame''
Haha I made my own frame. Look stupid anyway, it doesn't match with my awesome green colour. Im gonna add leaf frame and picture of trees next time. My blog will be full of forest hehe.
Jangan fikir black forest plak eh.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The future awaits meeee

This is it guys. 2010. I wonder what will happen in 2010 since so many things happen in 2009. My mum keep pestering me non stop asking me to take a job. I know that I want a job, I still need to ask my cousin. But my sister help me ask her so I'll just wait. Hm..what job im taking? At sentosa, but I dunno what kind of job, could be either tour guide, ticket counter or whatever it is. I'm kinda nervous I dunno if I can really do the job but I'll try my best. I need a motivator :P hehe. Well as long as I got a job is good enough because I'm sick at home and paranoid for being fat lol. I suspect my eyes have gotten worst. I been on the computer for damn long. My band finally did a gig last month on October 31. Wow it's still hard to belive we manage to play. It was fun but really bad sound. The bass sound is really nasty! And I can't even hear the guitar! The audience that is not our audience wasn't pleased because they are hardcore kids and complain that they can't mosh and hardcore dance with our song. We played Pop/punk rock songs:

Blink 182- Dammit, Man Overboard, The Rock Show.
+44- When Your Heart Stop Beating.
Sum 41- The Hell Song.
Rise Against - Give It All
Green Day - Holiday

And my classmate friend join the gig with us too. They came late and didn't get to watch our performance. Can't blame them, it's raining heavily. They are hardcore punk band and they really blew the audience off. They perform really well. I think next time we really have to take gigs that only have normal rock gendre. =\

My drum skill is getting worst, what the hell. I need to train more and nobody gets in my way >:(

See if you can find anything odd about this coffee shop menu.(take note it's prata menu)

The prata is a lie, it's delicious yet it come with a TERRIBLE PRICE.