Thursday, August 31, 2006

what? Im bored

What the heck? Who the hell teach this kid here?

I just wake up today and just checking my blog. I'm bored today. But today after Friday Praying, me and my friends going jamming. I'm not really sure where but my friend will show me. Well I got to go shower. BYE!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy Teacher's Day

To all my form teachers and my subject teachers a appy teacher's day. No money to buy a present for teacher is okay. Saying Thank You or a smile is a gift too. Please don't trouble your teacher. Study Hard. School performance were great especially the band but only sang 2 songs.

HAHA no morning run today because of raining. ^^

My friend planning to go jamming with me. I no money la. Must ask mum for money >.<
My drumming still sucks so I go practise on hitting the chair.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006


This time at school, I feel bored. I'm still worried about my common test paper. Today after school got a cooking course. Doing mocktail shake. It's pretty nice actually but my top lips feels a sharp pain after drinking to much. Me and my friend planning to make a band and name up called HYBRID SKIES. And we are saving up money. Estimate is about spending up to $2000+. Like WTF man. Dream on (=.=)" ,,l,, I can't afford a drum set. IT's hell alot of cash to buy. Can bankcrupt. Ishallah I'll buy it someday if I work hard.

Click here??.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Hello!!! Nothing to talk much today. Boring as usual. I don't know when am I going to get this damn new Window XP Computer. I'm kinda tired of waiting... because there's this very cool website called . It is a software that can record any games you play and put it on So well the requirement is only for window 2000 and XP.

Everytime outside my house I heard a strange noise. Its sound like a shooting rifle. I didn't knew there were a military base in Woodlands??

Nothing much in school. Having fun as usual. Omigod I don't believe PLUTO is not the planet anymore. Can't they just leave her alone and just let her be the 9 planet. Who cares what they are...asteriod or mood but I still stick to the 9 planet. Another planet that 3 times as further as the distances of sun and pluto which is called 2003 UIU3 if I'm not mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

YAY! Sucess on my blog!

So anyway, I haven't update my blog for a damn long time since I been busy or just too lazy. But I update alot now. Look! Chobits! ^^ Cute! Please don't think that I'm a girlish guy! Well... What I'm worried is my Maths Common Test is tomorrow. AAAAAH! Like Omigod! Astaugfirullah. Well I hope you like my new blogspot. I should be studying by now and its already 11.13pm and I haven't studiy for my test. Is it just me or the clock is wrong timing? Well BYE!!!!!!