Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Ah.. at last I am back doing my blog. Wondering why I came back blogging after these past 3 years? My teacher ask us to do blogging for this E-business subject, yea had to do reports journal everything in the blog, havent update yet, but its in my another blog, going to update soon. Since teacher ask us to do blogging, I might as well continue blogging my old blog! :D

So now im from Electronic Computer and Networking course 2nd year currently. My module is getting tougher especially this e-business module! It's way to hard but it will also teach us in our business life. I will try my best to get A for all module. The other module seems to be easy and more relax. Drawing and wiring circuit, I'm used to it so it will be easy for me.

I can't believe I become a Chairman for my current class this year lol. Remind me of my primary school day. I become monitor when I was primary 3. HAHA was so happy, write down names on the board for those who make noise, wrote about 30 names hahahaha so many of my classmate make noise when teacher not around! oh yah, Mahdi is one of my classmate too until primary 5 we got seperated lol but we still do contact and become my classmate again in secondary school. :D And that's where we met Ahmad and Amirul still close friends and some other friends but not in contact that much anymore. So anyway becoming Chairman is quite tough, had to collect jobsheets, attendance for somedays when teacher not around. And today had to collect 50cents from everyone! Need to buy A4 paper for printing drawing circuits. My wallet is really HEAVY and FAT now full of coins! Have to be really careful. D: But I'm actually glad to be a Chairman, it keep myself busy and I'm able to help the class if they need help with some works. And I also got a CCA point! hehe

Band video

This is my band PXD playing with Me(Mubarak), Ahmad, Amirul and Mahdi playing. Everytime we record ourself playing, Mahdi always hiding away from the camera and i mean ALWAYS. WTF!!!!ok...our video on this blogger player i uploaded seems to be lagging but its actually pretty smooth, click here if you wanna see clearer! Anyway the microphone of my n95 is bad so you will hear alot of squashing and blobbling sound of my drum lol :P Our vocal is still a little shit so we better train hard before we perform GIG!~!~!~!~We had fun anyway, our band seems to be improving these 3 years but the important thing is we have fuuuun! We need to cover a new song, getting tired of playing same song over and over and over again!! anyone wanna recommend songs?? :D

Monday, March 09, 2009

HElloooo i am baaaaackkk! havent been update for 3 years! hehe, i will update another post soon...